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Note- Not all of these wallpapers are made by us, we found them over the internet, Athorizied ones with logos were copied and logos were added(we feel that is not fair an we will never do it) Please take all of the athorized ones and use them at your own free will!

Our Athorizied Wallpapers-







Un-Athorized Wallpapers-










Copyright © 2003 DBZ Bleeds INC. All Right Reserved.
Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT are copyrights of Bird Studios and TOEI Animation. In the U.S.Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT are licensed to FUNimation. All rights reserved. All information on this web site was written by the DBB staff members unless otherwise noted. Taking our sections and media without asking is prohibited.
Any Question E-Mail Me At.....     Dragon_diablo1414@hotmail.com